Hi guys what a trip it has been. Too many stories for now but I just wanted to say Hi and I will post here when I can. I look at the picture on the home page and it brings back memories of friends, team mates/shipmates of some of the best time of my life (even though we may have bellyached a lot then). Good to see you guys and I am looking forward to the next reunion.
Helloooooooo! Vietnam
4 thoughts on “Helloooooooo! Vietnam”
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Monie, it is a good picture maybe a suggestion would be to change it from time to time.
Although I do like to see me in that mustache. I will try and get some picts to post also.
San Fran to Washington with you in my MG is one of my never forget memories. I still drive small cars, only faster now.
Thanks again for the hard work on this site.
I plan to install a theme with a slide show on the home page.
Perfect !
I know you have a ton of pictures already digitized but I will try and find some for you.
Scott, your experience with WordPress shows. Thanks for posting.
The photo in the header is only temporary, as is the design of this site. I’ll be updating the look soon. In the meantime, I want to say a few things about this photo.
It was taken in Yokosuka a day or two before I departed for Pearl for discharge. It depicts Ambu bag training conducted by Doc Hansen. Clearly identifiable in this shot are Craig Leonard, Ron “Tater” White and you.